Sharon, VT
Join the Regeneration Corps at the Sharon Food Justice Garden for an upcoming work party to plant trees! We have hundreds of Chestnuts and Yellowbud Hickories to plant in our nursery where we will grow them up and plant them out for Land Justice Projects and Community Spaces. This effort is part of a larger vision to increase agroforestry around the state by incorporating trees in growing systems to increase biodiversity and ecosystem health.
We also hold open work sessions every Thursday from 4-6pm where you can come and learn to tend a garden with regenerative practices, take home some of the harvest and have fun! The Sharon Food Justice Garden is a project of The Sharon Academy and the Regeneration Corps. It is a safe place where all people are welcome. All the food is grown and donated to the Sharon Food Shelf.
The Food Justice Garden is located on Rt. 14 just down the road from Sharon Auto Service at 2911 VT 14. The garden is in a big field just down the road and across the street from the garage (heading towards West Hartford). Please park in the turn around space on Rt 14 and walk across the field to our garden space.
For more information please contact Karen Ganey at karen.ganey@gmail.com
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